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Conservatory of Mexican Gastronomic Culture

VIII World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

18 Meeting of Traditional Cooks of Michoacán

- The origin of heritage -

From November 24 to 26, 2023

World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

The World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy was created due to the need to respond to the action plan presented to UNESCO following the recognition of Traditional Mexican Cuisine: A community, ancestral and living culture, the paradigm of Michoacán, a fact that implies the rescue, safeguarding and promoting our own culinary culture. On this occasion, the city of Morelia, capital of the state of Michoacán, will serve as the headquarters from which the powerful message of Mexican cuisine will be projected on a national and international scale and, at the same time, will delve into the reflection and strategies to ensure that The value chain that supports gastronomy and the food system affects local and regional sustainable development. The Conservatory of Mexican Gastronomic Culture, as author and manager of the project, will share with the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Michoacán, the responsibility of organizing the event in its eighth edition, which has as a precedent those previously held in Acapulco, in the City of Puebla, in Mexico City, in the City of Los Angeles, California and in the City of Guadalajara.

Morelia, Michoacán 

The VIII World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy will be held from Friday, November 24 to Sunday, November 26, 2023 at the Morelia Convention and Exhibition Center.

Morelia, Michoacán 

Programa Académico

Conferencias, diálogos, mesas redondas y paneles con la participación de expertos invitados nacionales e internacionales.

Programa Cultural

Eventos, espectáculos y manifestaciones culturales y artísticas.

Demo conferencias

Demostraciones culinarias diseñadas para el intercambio de saberes y sabores, conferencias, talleres, catas y dinámicas diversas con la participación de chefs cocineras, cocineros tradicionales y populares, así como de productores agroalimentarios.

Mesas de negocio

Actividades para promover la inserción de pequeñas y medianas empresas, generando oportunidades comerciales entre productores mexicanos y compradores internacionales de productos primarios, artesanales y procesados.

Mercado las cocinas de México

Las Cocineras tradicionales y populares dan a conocer la riqueza de la gastronomía mexicana de las diferentes regiones del país mediante exhibiciones y ventas.

Área Infantil

Espacio para promover el acercamiento a la cocina mexicana y sus productos entre la población infantil e incentivar el consumo de la Dieta Mexicana a través de talleres y espectáculos.

Expo de Productores

Expo- venta de productos mexicanos primarios y elaborados.

Expo Arte y Artesanía para la Mesa y la Cocina

Exposición y venta de objetos utilizados en la cocina para preparar y servir alimentos.

La cantina y sus botanas

Espacio dedicado a la presentación, degustación y venta de bebidas tradicionales: tequila, mezcal, ron, aguardiente y el pabellón del vino mexicano.

Guadalajara Capital del Libro - Menú de libros

Exposición y venta de libros acerca de la cultura culinaria. 

Entry to the Forum is free of charge

18 Meeting of Traditional Cooks

A flagship project of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of the State of Michoacán is carried out as part of the documentation for the rescue, promotion and safeguarding of Traditional Mexican Cuisine, community, ancestral and living culture, the Michoacán paradigm, cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

November 24, 25 and 26, 2023
Morelia Convention Center, Michoacán

I. From Frog Square to Nairobi

  1. Local knowledge: the exemplary case of Michoacan cooks.

  2. The Candidacy File and its vicissitudes.

  3. Impact of Inscription against the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention.

  4. Traditional cuisines in the world: The Mediterranean and its diversity.

II. Kitchens of Spain: a case of rapid development

  1. Influences back and forth today. 

  2. The Development of Training Institutions. 

  3. The embrace between Cortés and Moctezuma - Mestizaje. 

  4. Spain bridge to the eastern Mediterranean and central Europe.

III. Local products and creativity

  1. Michoacán land of avocados and its global projection.

  2. Traditional cooks in their homeland and their contacts with innovation.

  3. Morelia, convergence of regional flavors.

World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

Thematic Fields

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